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Every lawn is different and hidden in the soil are secrets locked away which determine how successful your lawn is going to be. That is why Verge's Lawns offers the option to analyse your soil to determine your soils pH level and type (i.e. clay, sandy or loam).


A core sample will randomly be taken from your lawn for analysis. It will be tested for its pH level and then broken-down to separate different compounds that make your soil. The process usually takes a week or two (the longer the more accurate the result). On obtaining the results they will be presented to you, along with the necessary treatment suggestions, such as a top dressing if required.


An ideal soil type should be loam consistency 40% silt, 40% sand and 20% clay and have a pH level of 7, some say between 6.5 and 7.


Verge's Lawns want you to be proud of your Lawn!

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